The All Stars Club was developed for those who were excluded from other gyms because of race.
Sports Clubs
Hyde Park Riding Club
Hyde Park Stables offers adults and children horse riding lessons and arena lessons, all year round, in Hyde Park London.
London Hash House Harriers (Running Club)
The Hash House Harriers are an International network of running and socialising clubs, with an emphasis on the latter. Hashing is adventurous non-competitive group running.
London Intervarsity Club
The London Intervarsity Club offers sports, cultural and social events every month for professional people.
Activities include:
London Parachute School
Closest parachute / skydive school to London. Drop zone near Reading.
Londondiver British Sub Aqua Club
Londondiver is a Westminster based diving club affiliated to BSAC (British Sub Aqua Clubs).
The club offers full dive training as well as an active diving and social programme.
Otter Swimming Club
Otter is a competitive swimming and water polo club, based in central London.
Westminster Boating Base
Unique in Central London, the Westminster Boating Base is a registered Charity teaching people of all ages to sail, canoe, powerboat and kayak on the Thames.
Westminster Speleological Group
The club was founded in 1949 and has around 100 members offering sporting and adventure caving in the UK at weekends, and summer expeditions to foreign caves.
Westminster Warriors Basketball Club
Meets at: Moberly Sports and Education Centre.