Westminster Accommodation and Leaving Care Team (WALC)

Helps and advises young people aged 15 to 18 years old who are looked after by Westminster Council, and 18 to 21-year-olds who have left Westminster's care. If you are aged under 21 and have been looked after by Westminster you are entitled to help from the Leaving Care Service. The team work under statutory guidance set out by the Leaving Care Act 2000.

They can help with:

  • Finding somewhere to live and setting up home
  • Education and training
  • Employment
  • Health issues
  • Money
  • Problems with bullying
  • Violence and discrimination
  • Leisure
  • Relationships
  • Contact with family and friends

Also offers a 10 week programme, three times a year, which covers residential issues, budgeting, researching and independence skills training (only open to WALC young people).

Currency of information: 
April 2015
6 Crompton Street
Post Code: 
W2 1ND
0207 641 4143

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