Paddington Development Trust (PDT)

Paddington Development Trust (PDT) is a London Social Enterprise working for citizens and community enterprises in Paddington, North Westminster. PDT acts as a umbrella to organisations and services in the Church Street, Westbourne, Harrow Road and Queen's Park areas.

PDT manages the Stowe Centre, a youth enterprise and community centre on the Harrow Road. The Stowe Centre provides a venue for a wide range of community and resident activities including health and fitness, meetings and conferences and is available to hire to local organisations and residents for parties and special events.

PDT also runs a Youth Enterprise programme from The Stowe Centre. The programme runs on a Wednesday evening - activities include the Cut Magazine and T-Shirt design, marketing and retail. The Stowe Centre also provides a wide range of after school and holiday activities and programmes for young people aged 13-19.

PDT operates through the Westminster Enterprise Centre. The centres work with people to access business advisors and training in the skills needed to run a successful business.

NHS Triborough Health & Social Care, Central London Community Health NHS, Imperial NHS, St Mary’s Hospital, Children Services, local GPs and CCGs, PDT is delivering and developing an integrated programme of community health  helping local people to improve their own health and enabling local residents to access changing services.

PDT manages Westminster Works, a wide programme with local partners which is helping local people find their way into training or back into work (see separate entry).

Currency of information: 
August 2015
122 Great Western Studios
65 Alfred Road
Post Code: 
W2 5EU
020 3214 3113
020 3214 3116

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