
Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people.

Services include:

  • education
  • employment
  • housing
  • well-being

Services are delivered at Crisis Skylight centres. If you are homeless, are at immediate risk of becoming homeless, or have been homeless in the last two years, you can access Crisis services for free by becoming a Skylight member. See here.

Crisis coordinates a programme that assists homeless people to access the private rented housing sector.

Crisis holds regular health days which offer free health MOTs and eye tests. They also offer a range of workshops such as yoga, karate, tai chi and pilates to improve physical health and well-being.

Crisis at Christmas is a service for those who are homeless or without secure accommodation at Christmas. Crisis operate special day centres across London from 23 - 30 December. Open to all, these centres not only provide food, warmth and companionship but many services every day including: advice, dentists, health care, massage, natural healing, opticians, podiatry, hair-dressing.

Crisis campaigns, advocates and advises policy makers with the aim of preventing people from becoming homeless.

Currency of information: 
August 2016
Crisis Skylight London
66 Commercial Street
Post Code: 
E1 6LT
Switchboard: 0300 636 1967
0300 636 2012

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