Centrepoint is a national charity working to improve the lives of socially excluded, homeless young people. It provides a range of accommodation based services, including emergency night shelters and short stay hostels, specialist projects for care leavers, ex-offenders, young single parents, foyers and supported flats and floating support services.
These accommodation services provide the foundations from which young people can start addressing some of the issues that lead to them becoming homeless, and developing the skills they need for a sustainable future.
Centrepoint works with young people to enable their personal, social, educational and vocational development. To this end, each service offers employment, training, education, health education, life skills and specialist support for young people with mental health, drug and alcohol issues.
Nationally, Centrepoint is involved in advising local groups and partnerships working with young homeless people. It advocates, researches and advises on policy and issues affecting young people.
Listed under these headings:
- Housing›Homeless People